State Rep Ron Dunn is a critical member of the state assembly and strong supporter of key issues such as energy independence, economic growth, education freedom accounts and right to work policies that would make students and workers better off. He is a key ally in promoting pro-freedom policies and working to make the Granite State the best place to live, work and raise a family.
New Hampshire Cornerstone endorses Ron Dunn for NH State Representative
For information on Cornerstone visit:
NRA - PVF endorses Ron Dunn, Candidate for NH State Representative. Ron’s NRA rating is A+. It means Ron strongly supports the 2nd Amendment.
Granite State Taxpayers 2024 rates State Representative Ron Dunn, at 100%, District 16 Londonderry
August 4, 2022
Ron receives "Citizens Alliance NH Endorsement"
For more information on Citizens Alliance NH visit:
August 5, 2022
Ron receives endorsement from "Make Liberty Win".
For more information on Make Liberty Win visit:
" ...Ron Dunn shows up at some of the events I go to, always has enthusiasm, and always helps with the cleanup (such as the folding up of the red and blue, or in this case, just the red tablecloths). I told his wife I’d like to express my support for him at GraniteGrok.com if she could tell me some reason why voters should choose him.
Mrs. Dunn said, “He is one of three citizen members of the state Budgetary Commission.” I said, “That’s not sexy enough. Anything else?” She said, “He gets along with people. He’s a peacemaker. He talks to both sides.”
Excerpt from "Granite Gork" by Author and Dr. Mary Maxwell
It's important we vote for people who will uphold values that keep us strong as families, as communities, as citizens of this state. We need to elect principled individuals who are able to act forthright regardless of the opposition from without or from within that they may face. I'm voting for Ron Dunn because I believe he has the necessary strength of character and fortitude to represent what "we the people" want. — Greg Huttula
Ron Dunn is a true leader. He stands by his principles and will not waver. I don't always agree with Ron on all issues but he is willing to listen and respect my view point. — Endorsement